
Access for disabled people

Disabled visitors can get through architectural barriers in the Museums by different ways, depending on the
area. The Museum of Ancient Art, located on the ground floor, is entirely equipped with ramps. The Art Gallery
and the Museum of Furniture and Wooden Sculptures
(first floor Corte Ducale) and the Prehistory and
Protohistory Section of the Archaeological Museum
(lower ground floor Corte Ducale) can be reached
via an elevator located in Sala degli Scarlioni. Rooms from XX to XXII in the Art Gallery have some steps.
The Museum of Musical Instruments and the Museum of Decorative Arts can be reached via an
elevator located in Cortile della Rocchetta


MilanoPerTutti (Milan for all) is a project promoted by the Local Authority of Milan and carried out by the main Lombardy associations of people with disabilities. 
The website contains useful information for tourists with disabilities and with special needs visiting Milan. Accessibility standards for public transportation facilities and, generally, mobility in the city have been mapped.
 A lot of hotels and restaurants and the main sites of historical, cultural and artistic interest in Milan and in the hinterland were viewed.
Tourist and cultural itineraries have been pointed out in order to allow tourists with disabilities to appreciate the beauty of the city. The information on this website will help you to plan your trip. You can also contact us for specific needs sending an e-mail at [email protected]